NYX | Creative Consultancy
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Creative Consultancy

Who We Are and What We Do

Our Core Capabilities Cross Marketing and Communications

for Comprehensive Media Services.


Run campaigns with touch points across digital, leveraging marketing channels from advertising and email to social media.


We service your creative needs from managing photo and video archives to producing media and trafficking artwork.


Shape your brand image with careful media relations supporting a positive relationship with consumers and the press.


Refine your company’s communication strategies with robust programs delivering vital corporate messages.


Drive sales and other key performance indicators with drilled down edits to important promotional copy.


Activate your brand with an event presence to connect with target customers on an experiential level.

Have an idea? We’re here to help!

The Dawn of Creation

In the early days, we found our true North by aligning with cultural trendsetters, as technology opened new doors for many industries to create, market, and distribute their work. Taking an unconventional approach to preserve the value of the product, we put quality over everything and our clients in turn continue to earn big press hits, garner support from influential figures, drive key results, and improve consumer buy-in.

The company informally got its start in 2013 promoting an event series, before establishing a local media partnership and officially launching an agency the following year. A turning point came in 2017 when what was once an obscure, unfinished mp3 in our inbox charted number one in six countries; signifying the ultimate purpose of this work and why it matters. With renewed meaning, NYX evolved into the form you see today.

spiral staircase fibonacci sequence


With it’s deep-seated roots in mythology our name acknowledges the profound impact we make on the individual and society

carl jung anima mundi guided by god

According to ancient philosophy, the universe was born when Chaos met Nyx by the darkness of night. For centuries great writers and poets like Homer, Hesiod, Plato, and many more distinguished these primordial forces as the fundamental nature of the cosmos from which all creation emerges.

The Greek pantheon identifies Nyx as the primeval state of existence that led to the Titan deities which then birthed the Olympians. As such, the almighty power of Nyx has come to represent the mother of love, moons, dreams, and fate to name a few. Legend has it, Nyx dwells in the most holy sanctuary, where she gives oracles illumined by the light of knowledge.

Meanwhile Cronus, king of the Titans and father of Zeus, is asleep inside drunk on honey. A nymph clashes cymbals and beats a drum outside, moving the entire universe in an ecstatic dance to the inescapable rhythm.

In other words, we are the catalyst for bringing truth to light. The source of life, harnessing our world’s most elusive element: energy. We hold a safe space for the magic work that transpires with imagination as circle meets square.