We aimed to leverage a Live Nation sponsorship activation at the Orlando Calling music festival as an opportunity to further freecreditscore.com’s lifestyle marketing goals.
To do so, we debuted the #iScored campaign centered around getting the best experiences in life. Through the #iScored hashtag, we provided all-access coverage of the festival and premium prizes, such as VIP passes and a trip to SXSW Music. A mobile giveaway of two iPads and VIP passes ran under text-ISCORED-to-win. In-venue signage and a street team handing out branded t-shirts encouraged engagement in the promotions.
As a result, freecreditscore.com reached over 50,000 patrons on-site and generated 7.5M logo impressions, 235 #iScored uses, 130 @FCSdotcom mentions, 10% increase in Twitter followers, 4,863 entries for iScored mobile promotions, and distributed 2,500 branded “I Scored” t-shirts.